Thursday 3 July 2014

"Any Old Prolapse": Support on Mumsnet

Please note that the Prolapse Information Project does not necessarily endorse the views expressed by members of the support communities I link to. As always, I encourage you to do your own research and use evidence-based treatments.  

Often being diagnosed with a prolapse can be a very isolating experience. Many women don't have anyone to talk to about prolapse in their day-to-day life, or they may feel uncomfortable even bringing the topic up.
This is what makes online support communities so valuable.
Many online parenting communities have a lot of threads about prolapse, but often these threads are calls for help from people who have just been diagnosed, and usually they receive few replies. These threads often lack a 'voice of experience', who can answer questions based on having gone through the same thing.
The "Any Old Prolapse" thread on Mumsnet is unique. It has been running since 2009, and is very active. There are new posts almost every day, and often more than one, so if you post there you can expect a reply fairly soon. There are also many members who have been there a long time, and have a lot of experience to share about managing prolapse. You may also be able to share your experience. This community is very welcoming.
You can find the latest part of this thread here: Part 8.

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